Paid Forum Posting

Have just done a stint of paid forum posting. This is being paid to post on forum! It was kinda cool. It does not pay much and most of this get outsources to countries like India and Pakistan. Paid forum posting is usually used by owners of new forums and as I run a couple of forums, I thought I would have a go at helping out on some forums that are new. I have been there done that! Running a forum is not easy and have a think about the time you have visited a forums. Which forums do you revisit? Surely it’s the ones that are active and busy, so there is nothing worse for a forum admin to have an inactive forum. This is where paid forum posting comes in. New forum owners contract a number of paid forum posting firms to populate their forum with the initial content to get it going. Usually those who do the posting do not hang around and are not good long term members, but they do provide that initial content to get the forum going.

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